Art Wolf Party at the PDC
Linda Hayslett, LH Designed | Unraveling, Woven Steel Sculpture, Osiris Zuñiga
iced memories charging me. grounding me. Photo on Acrylic | dopez
Inflated Steel Heart | Osiris Zuñiga
Amalia Gal, Amalia Gal Design | Alex Rosita Schiller, The Bold Gold
Ruptured | Inflated Steel Sculpture | Osiris Zuñiga
Jen Whitmer, The Keen Experience, César Giraldo, César Giraldo Design | Sunny Fedorenko, Sunny Luxury Estates
wtf | dopez | Photo on Acrylic, framed | 48 x 72 inches
take me with you | dopez | Photo on Metal, framed | 26 x 38 inches
Sarah Wahl, Erica Tapiarene, Zephyr
Rydhima Brar, Rterior Studio
lost and found | dopez | Photo on Glass, framed | 35 x 62 inches
Judy Amic-Angelo, Illuminaire Leather making me laugh so hard I cry with the great Elizabeth Baker
Celebration | Lareina Holsopple | Oil on Canvas | 48 x 60 inches
David Dalton, David Dalton Inc. | Charles Miller
Unraveling, Woven Steel Sculpture, Osiris Zuniga
Chris, Studio Van den Akker | Jackson | Greg Upson, George Smith
loud with quiet | dopez | Photo on Metal, framed | 26 x 32 inches
Sculpture, painting, and photography by three contemporary female artists
Thank you to Ace for all the beautiful photos